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- Edition 4 - culture of writing readable and maintainable code
Edition 4 - culture of writing readable and maintainable code

Hi ,
I think of the hygiene of a digital product like self-care. If it’s continuously ongoing you won’t ever feel the desperate need to drop everything and focus on it.
In today’s edition of LeadReads, I’ll talk to you about creating a culture where hygiene and sanity aren’t afterthoughts. It’s part of your team’s DNA.
💡PS: If you’re a pre-PMF startup this isn’t the right process for you. However, I encourage you to start thinking through it as you find PMF. You’ll need to employ them when the cost of a mistake is higher than the cost of delays.
Writing readable, & clean code
No engineer inherently wants to write dirty, unreadable, and unmaintainable code. It’s not an intent problem. The problem is not knowing how to measure the readability and maintainability of your code.
Processes, & frameworks are useless if your teams don’t know the why of it. If your teams don’t believe that doing it will improve the quality of the product and the experience of your customers even the best practices won’t yield results.

By focusing on the why, and the impact of processes we’ve created a culture where automation is second nature. We select the right tool for the intended outcome. Each engineer owns their features end-to-end. From writing them to ensuring that it always works. Not somehow, but always. Our open-source work is a testament to this.
I’ve created 4 broad headers. The need and use of each of them need to be championed by your team for this to work. Our job is to teach them how to fish and provide the equipment for it.
Here’s what it means in the Digital Product Development landscape
1. Using Static Code Analysers
Use a static code analyzer SonarCloud or set up your own SonarQube instance which enables readability and maintainability measures.
Cyclomatic Complexity
measures the number of different paths through your code, helping you identify how hard it may be to test and maintain. Lower scores indicate simpler, more manageable code.
Cognitive Complexity
gauges the mental effort required to understand your code, aiming to pinpoint areas that could be hard to read or modify. A lower score means the code is easier to work with.
2. Standardizing conventions
Standard conventions and practices enable better collaboration. You will no longer have PR discussions on variable naming conventions, unused imports, or other trivial items. Set up linters, and automated code formatters. Run checks as part of the CI pipeline.
Ensure that the reasoning for why you’re adding specific lint rules is clear.
💡 Here’s a short story of unintended consequences when the why wasn’t clear.
A javascript codebase had the ESLint max-params rule configured. This rule limits the number of parameters that a function takes.
Having a large number of positional parameters makes code difficult to read. In an attempt to quickly refactor and adhere to this rule, rapid changes were made to move positional parameters to object properties. However, now the codebase consists of functions that take a single object parameter with ~10 different properties completely missing the objective of getting each function to do only one distinct thing.
3. The need for Deterministic Outcome
The only way of delivering consistently good results is by ensuring that you have a way of replicating steps and asserting outcomes. The more manual and longer it takes to do, the more friction is seen.
Automate it. Use unit, integration, e2e, & load tests. The goal for this exercise needs to be clear. It’s not to get more code coverage. It is to ensure your feature, product, and bugfix don’t misbehave later. Each engineer needs to use the right automation to ensure that their feature always works.
6 months later when the codebase looks foreign a missed case should break a test. It should act as the gatekeeper.
4. Having Checks and Balances
Have frameworks in place for feature flags, phased rollouts, monitoring & alerting with proactive reporting. This ensures a smaller blast radius for issues, faster turnarounds, and shorter SLAs.
This is the playbook on what needs to be evangelized and institutionalized even before you start writing the business logic. Your teams need to be on the same page about what Product Development means and it isn’t merely adding new features.
Until next time,
👉 Book a free 1:1 session on “Making automation a part of your culture”