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  • Edition 7 - AWS Compliance tools that you didn’t know you need.

Edition 7 - AWS Compliance tools that you didn’t know you need.

Keeping up with data security regulations and threats can feel like a never-ending chess game.

In this edition of LeadReads, I'll dive into the strategies that provide robust security and compliance solutions offered by AWS to safeguard your sensitive data and ensure adherence to GDPR regulations.

So, , without further ado, let’s dive in.

Act 1: Security and Monitoring

The Scenario: Data security and monitoring systems require robust surveillance and audit trails to ensure GDPR compliance. The amount of sensitive data managed necessitates a significant effort to enhance the security and monitoring systems.


  • Amazon GuardDuty: Deployed as a threat detection service, it continuously analyzes event logs for suspicious activity and unauthorized behavior, automating the detection of potential security breaches.

  • AWS CloudTrail: Essential for governance, compliance, and risk auditing, it logs every action, making it possible to review historical data for security analysis and operational troubleshooting.

  • CloudWatch: This monitoring service tracks application and infrastructure performance. It’s configured to alert abnormal behavior, enabling proactive issue resolution.

  • AWS STS: Used for granting temporary, limited-privilege credentials for enhanced security during data access, reducing the attack surface by adhering to the principle of least privilege.

Act 2: Access and Encryption

To comply with GDPR's data protection requirements and safeguard sensitive information, it is crucial to implement a strict access management and data encryption strategy.


  • IAM Access Analyzer: This tool helps audit and refine policies, ensuring that only necessary permissions are granted, minimizing the risk of data leakage or unauthorized access.

  • AWS KMS: Integrated this service to manage cryptographic keys for data encryption, safeguarding data at rest and in transit, which is critical for GDPR compliance.

  • CloudHSM: For workloads requiring dedicated hardware security modules (HSMs) for compliance, CloudHSM to meet the highest security and compliance requirements.

Act 3: Compliance and Data Management

Maintaining GDPR compliance requires continuous configuration monitoring, sensitive data identification, and comprehensive compliance reporting.


  • AWS Config: This service provides a detailed inventory of AWS resources, enabling assessment, audit, and evaluation configurations continuously against GDPR requirements.

  • Amazon Macie: Implement to discover, classify, and protect sensitive data. Macie is crucial for identifying where sensitive data resides and automating data security and privacy.

  • AWS Control Hub & Security Hub: These can be deployed as centralized locations to manage security and compliance across AWS services, providing aggregated insights and automated compliance checks.

  • Amazon HealthLake: For projects involving health data, HealthLake ensures secure data storage, transformation, and analysis, aligning with GDPR's strict data protection standards.

Leveraging these AWS services, you can establish a comprehensive GDPR compliance framework. This fortifies security posture and data protection capabilities and streamlines the compliance management processes, making it easier to adapt to regulatory changes. This demonstrates a solid blend of AWS's powerful tools to meet stringent GDPR requirements while maintaining operational efficiency and data integrity.

Here are the links to all the tools mentioned above.
(Feel free to duplicate it to your Notion 😉 )


Amazon Web Services (AWS) co-announced the release of the Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF) project. The OCSF project is designed to standardize the normalization of security telemetry across a wide range of security products and services. This initiative is a collaborative effort with contributions from various key security vendors, including Splunk, Broadcom, Salesforce, and many others.

  1. Using AI to Strengthen Cybersecurity.

  2. Stopping Insider Threats With Awareness.

  3. Automating Cybersecurity for Better Protection.

  4. Boosting Security with Multi-Factor Authentication.

  5. Monitoring Data in Real Time to Detect Threats Fast.


I'm currently reading The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene, which provides insightful strategies on understanding power dynamics and exerting influence - crucial skills for any ambitious entrepreneur looking to make their mark.


  1. Praveen and I delivered a talk at PuneFOSS last Saturday about “Open source project: Service Picker” & “Building an open source culture in companies”.

  2. Our Year In Review podcast is now live on YouTube. Watch here.

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Hi, I’m Mohammed Ali Chherawalla (Mac), Co-founder & CTO at Wednesday Solutions, a specialized engineering services company with a focus on Applied AI, Data, and Application Modernization. 10% of India's Unicorns are our customers. I make it a point to read every message from my subscribers, so don't hesitate to share your thoughts with me.